Monday, December 6, 2010

SolrNet 0.3.0 released

SolrNet is a Solr client for .NET. I just released SolrNet 0.3.0.

Longest. Beta. Ever. I know. But I really wanted to document everything and change many things in the release package, and in order to do that I had to get rid of MSBuild first.

There aren't many changes in the library itself:

  • Upgraded Ninject module to Ninject 2.0 RTM
  • Upgraded StructureMap registry to StructureMap 2.6.1
  • Upgraded Windsor facility to Windsor 2.5.2
  • Added support for multi-core for StructureMap
  • Improved response parsing performance
  • Fixed a couple of minor bugs

If you're upgrading from 0.2.3 please read about the breaking changes.

Also, this will be the last release to support .NET 2.0.

As for the package, it now contains:

  • Merged and unmerged assemblies (only the merged assembly with all IoC integrations was included before).
  • PDBs for all assemblies.
  • All assemblies are now signed with a strong name.
  • Doxygen-compiled documentation (replacing Sandcastle which was too bloated).
  • Note explaining exactly what assemblies you need depending on how you integrate the library. Hopefully this will help clear up the confusion.
I'd like to thank the following people who contributed to this release:

Binaries, docs and sample app downloads here. You can also get it via NuGet packages.


  1. Can we have a package without strong name signing? I have to keep stripping them, or re-building both the packages I need and their dependencies ><

  2. @Rob: it seems there is no pleasing everyone about this! Why do you need the unsigned dlls?

  3. Huge congrats on the release :D

    Well done for your tireless work on the code and also your friendly and lightning-quick support of the SolrNet community (answering all the random questions we throw at you all the time!)

    Here's to v1.0 :P

  4. Congrats on the release, great work!

    The link on "get rid of MSBuild first" is broken, seems to work
