Thursday, October 28, 2010

GDataDB 0.2 released

Just released GDataDB 0.2. GDataDB is a database-like interface to Google Spreadsheets for .Net.

This is a maintenance release. Here's the short changelog:

  • Andrew Yau implemented deleting tables and databases (which means deleting worksheets and spreadsheets respectively).
  • Ryan Farley fixed a bug with read-only and write-only properties in the mapped class.
  • Updated to use the latest GData library.

Binaries are in github.

Also, Ryan recently wrote a nice article about GDataDB, check it out.

UPDATE 11/3/2010: Ryan Farley added GDataDB and GDataDB.Linq to the NuGet package repository. Thanks Ryan!


Anonymous said...


I'm really liking your GDataDB library. I'm currently using it for a website and it provides a very elegant (and testable) extraction to using Google Spreadsheets as a data store.

I had one question about caching. In doing some performance tests, it appears the calls to IDatabaseClient.GetDatabase() and IDatabase.GetTable() are fairly expensive since they make calls over the wire, pulling back schema information. Yet, I make these calls all the time on variation pages in my website, which tends to slow things down quite a bit. How safe is it to cache these objects (IDatabase and ITable) for the life of an application or perhaps an HTTP request? Do they have any multi-threading issues?


David Wang said...

Hi. This is just what I'm looking for. However, I'm completely new to this. Can you give me a very quick overview on how to integrate this? Just so I have a place to start researching. Thanks


Mauricio Scheffer said...

@David Wang: See Ryan's article:

Also see the sample app for guidance.