Thursday, October 28, 2010

GDataDB 0.2 released

Just released GDataDB 0.2. GDataDB is a database-like interface to Google Spreadsheets for .Net.

This is a maintenance release. Here's the short changelog:

  • Andrew Yau implemented deleting tables and databases (which means deleting worksheets and spreadsheets respectively).
  • Ryan Farley fixed a bug with read-only and write-only properties in the mapped class.
  • Updated to use the latest GData library.

Binaries are in github.

Also, Ryan recently wrote a nice article about GDataDB, check it out.

UPDATE 11/3/2010: Ryan Farley added GDataDB and GDataDB.Linq to the NuGet package repository. Thanks Ryan!

Monday, October 11, 2010

A functional wrapper over ADO.NET (part 2)

In my last post I introduced the basics of FsSql, a functional wrapper over ADO.NET for F#. Any code samples in this post will use what was defined in the previous one. To recap, here are the important definitions again:

let openConn() = 
    let conn = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection("Data Source=test.db;Version=3;New=True;") 
    conn :> IDbConnection 

let connMgr = Sql.withNewConnection openConn 
let execScalar sql = Sql.execScalar connMgr sql 
let execReader sql = Sql.execReader connMgr sql 
let execReaderf sql = Sql.execReaderF connMgr sql 
let execNonQueryf sql = Sql.execNonQueryF connMgr sql 
let execNonQuery sql p = Sql.execNonQuery connMgr sql p |> ignore 
let exec sql = execNonQuery sql [] 


Ambient transactions alla TransactionScope / J2EE are implemented... through functions, of course!

Let's start with a simple function that inserts a record.

let insertUser connMgr = 
    Sql.execNonQueryF connMgr "insert into user (id,name) values (%d,%s)"

Note that it's parameterized by the connection manager. Now we make it require a transaction or throw if there is no current transaction:

let txInsertUser = Tx.mandatory insertUser

And we insert 50 users:

let insert50 connMgr = 
    for i in 1..50 do 
        txInsertUser connMgr i "John" |> ignore

If we run insert50, we'll get an exception "Transaction required!" since we haven't started any transaction. We need to wrap insert50:

let txInsert50 = Tx.required insert50

Tx.required will create the transaction if there isn't a previous one. Now we can run txInsert50 and each txInsertUser will run within this transaction.

Other transactional functions are Tx.never (the opposite of Tx.mandatory), Tx.supports (doesn't care if there's a transaction or not) and Tx.transactional (always starts a new transaction).

These are "ambient" or "implicit" transactions in the sense that they're transparent, i.e. txInsert50 has the same signature as insert50. There is no explicit commit or rollback: if the function ends successfully, it commits (or not, depending on transaction semantics); if there is an exception, it rolls back. Transaction semantics are defined outside the function definition. The actual transaction is carried over in the connection manager.

The library also includes a transaction computation expression. Here's an example:

let tx = Tx.TransactionBuilder()
let tran1() = tx {
    do! Tx.execNonQueryi
            "insert into user (id,name) values (@id,@name)"
            [P("@id", 99); P("@name", "John Doe")]
let tran() = tx {
    do! tran1()
    do! Tx.execNonQueryi "insert into blabla" [] // invalid SQL
    return 0

match tran() connMgr with // run transaction
| Tx.Commit a -> printfn "Transaction successful, return value %d" a
| Tx.Rollback a -> printfn "Transaction rolled back, return value %A" a
| Tx.Failed e -> printfn "Transaction failed with exception:\n %s" e.Message

This transaction will of course fail. Transaction expressions are currently composed with Tx.required semantics (this might be user-definable in the future). So the exception actually rolls back the whole thing, including the record inserted in tran1.


FsSql is not a real ORM and doesn't pretend to be one. Still, I included a few mapping functions, but since there is no real schema definition in code, they're quite verbose to use. But this also makes things more flexible.

In my previous post I defined this function:

let selectById = execReaderf "select * from user where id = %d";;

val selectById : (int -> IDataReader)

This gives us a IDataReader... not the easiest thing to handle, we'd better map it to something more usable, at least a sequence of name*value pairs:

let selectByIdAsNameValue = selectById >> (Sql.mapFirst Sql.asNameValue);;

val selectByIdAsNameValue : (int -> seq<string * obj> option)

selectByIdAsNameValue 20;;

val it : seq<string * obj> option = 
  Some (seq [("id", 20); ("name", "John"); ("address", )])

Or since there are only three fields we could map it as a tuple:

let selectByIdAsTuple = selectById >> (Sql.mapFirst Sql.asTuple3<int,string,string option>);;

val selectByIdAsTuple : (int -> (int * string * string option) option)

selectByIdAsTuple 20;;

val it : (int * string * string option) option = Some (20, "John", null)

Or map it to a record:

type User = {
    id: int
    name: string
    address: string option
let asUser (r: #IDataRecord) =
    {id = (r?id).Value; name = (r?name).Value; address = r?address}
let selectByIdAsRecord = selectById >> (Sql.mapFirst asUser);;

val selectByIdAsRecord : (int -> User option)

If your database field names happen to coincide with the record field names, you can use this convenience function as your mapper:

let asUser r = Sql.asRecord<User> "" r

So far we've only seen how to map a single record from the result set (using Sql.mapFirst). Let's see now how we would map something more complex, like a joined query. First we create another table:

exec "create table animal (id int primary key not null, name varchar not null, owner int null, animalType varchar not null)"

Where the owner field will be a foreign key to the USER table. Now the corresponding record type:

type Animal = {
    id: int
    name: string
    animalType: string
    owner: int option

Let's insert some records:

let insertAnimal (animal: Animal) = 
    let toNull = function Some x -> x.ToString() | _ -> "null" 
        "insert into animal (id, name, owner) values (%d, %s, %s)" (toNull animal.owner) |> ignore

// inserting sample data 
insertAnimal {id = 1; name = "Seymour"; owner = Some 1} 
insertAnimal {id = 2; name = "Nibbler"; owner = Some 1} 
insertAnimal {id = 3; name = "Tramp"; owner = None} 

Now we'd like to list people with pets. First we create the SQL:

let innerJoinSql = sprintf "select %s,%s from user u join animal a on a.owner =" 
                      (Sql.recordFieldsAlias typeof<User> "u")
                      (Sql.recordFieldsAlias typeof<Animal> "a")

This generates the following SQL:

select u_id, u_name,u.address u_address, a_id, a_name,a.owner a_owner 
from user u join animal a on a.owner =

Here's the mapping function we'll use:

let asUserWithAnimal (r: #IDataRecord) =
    Sql.asRecord<User> "u" r, Sql.asRecord<Animal> "a" r
val asUserWithAnimal : (IDataRecord -> User * Animal)

We'll also use a helper function (included in FsSql):

val Seq.groupByFst : (seq<'a * 'b> -> seq<'a * seq<'b>>

This does exactly what the name and signature suggest: group a sequence of tuples by the first element of the tuple.

Now we have everything we need to run and map the query:

execReader innerJoinSql []
|> asUserWithAnimal
|> Seq.groupByFst
|> Seq.iter (fun (person, animals) ->
                printfn "%s has pets %s" (String.Join(", ", animals |> (fun a ->

Which will print something like "Fry has pets Seymour, Nibbler"


FsSql aims to wrap ADO.NET to make it more idiomatic for F# consumers, providing several fine-grained functions meant to be reused or combined as necessary, as is usual in functional programming.

It's not an ORM by any means, it operates at roughly the same level as ADO.NET, so you don't get typical ORM features like type safety, automatic SQL generation and automatic mapping of query results. Maybe a proper ORM could be built on top of this library.

Other relational data access projects specific to F# include:

Full source code is here.

UPDATE 3/30/2011: I recently released FsSql 0.1, binaries available in github and NuGet.

A functional wrapper over ADO.NET

ADO.NET is the de-facto basic library for data access in .NET, and as everything in the BCL, it's object oriented. Which forces you to write object-oriented code when you use ADO.NET in F#.

Nothing wrong with that, and in fact F# is a great language to write object-oriented code. But I believe I speak for many F# coders when I say we prefer functional programming over OOP whenever possible.

So it boils down to this: you either use ADO.NET's objects directly (like this or this), or you wrap it to give a more functional style (like this, this, or this)

So here's an attempt at creating a generic functional wrapper over ADO.NET, I called this library FsSql. UPDATE 3/30/2011: I recently released FsSql 0.1, binaries available in github and NuGet.

Let's start with some examples...

The connection manager

A simple function to open a connection:

let openConn() = 
    let conn = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection("Data Source=test.db;Version=3;New=True;") 
    conn :> IDbConnection 

Let's create a table:

let ddl = "create table user (id int primary key not null, name varchar not null, address varchar null)"

Sql.execNonQuery (Sql.withNewConnection openConn) ddl [] |> ignore

That was quite verbose! The "Sql.withNewConnection openConn" piece is the "connection manager", it basically encapsulates how to create and dispose the connection. In general we'll always use the same connection manager, so we can use partial application around it for all operations:

let connMgr = Sql.withNewConnection openConn 
let execScalar sql = Sql.execScalar connMgr sql 
let execReader sql = Sql.execReader connMgr sql 
let execReaderf sql = Sql.execReaderF connMgr sql 
let execNonQueryf sql = Sql.execNonQueryF connMgr sql 
let execNonQuery sql p = Sql.execNonQuery connMgr sql p |> ignore 
let exec sql = execNonQuery sql []

Non-queries and Parameters

Using the previous definitions now we can write:

    "insert into user (id, name, address) values (@id, @name, @address)"  
    (Sql.parameters ["@id",box 1; "@name",box "John"; "@address",box None])

All that parameter boxing gets boring fast, we can define parameters in other ways:

let P = Sql.Parameter.make

    "insert into user (id, name, address) values (@id, @name, @address)"  
    [P("@id", 2); P("@name", "George"); P("@address", None)]

Note that I used None for the address parameter. None parameters are automatically mapped to DBNull.


Let's count the records in our table:

let countUsers(): int64 = 
    execScalar "select count(*) from user" [] |> Option.get 
printfn "%d users" (countUsers())

When reading a field from a row in a resultset (or a scalar), you get it as an Option (None if the field is DBNull, otherwise Some x), so it forces you to deal with nullness (database nullness, in this case) as is usual in F#.

Here's an example of querying and iterating over the results:

execReader "select * from user" [] 
|> Seq.ofDataReader 
|> Seq.iter (fun dr -> 
    let id = (dr?id).Value 
    let name = (dr?name).Value 
    let address = 
        match dr?address with 
        | None -> "No registered address" 
        | Some x -> x 
    printfn "Id: %d; Name: %s; Address: %s" id name address)

Here Seq.ofDataReader converts the IDataReader into a sequence of IDataRecords. The dynamic operator is used to get the data out of the fields with option types, again forcing you to deal with nullness.

Also note how connection management is implicit. The connection is automatically closed when the datareader is disposed, which happens at the end of the iteration.

Stored procedures

You can also call stored procedures instead of inline SQL. Here's an example for the AdventureWorks sample database:

let managers = Sql.execSPReader connMgr 
                (Sql.parameters ["@EmployeeID", box 1]) 
                |> List.ofDataReader 

Formatted SQL

Let's say we want to create a function to retrieve a record by id. It would look like this:

let selectById (id: int) =
     execReader "select * from user where id = @id" [P("@id", id)]

We can do better than this, using Sql.execReaderF instead:

let selectById = execReaderf "select * from user where id = %d"

The SQL here is interpreted as a printf-formatted string using the printf manipulation I described a couple of months ago. Even though this has its limitations, it's a nifty alternative for little queries like this one.


An ofter overlooked capability of some ADO.NET providers is being able to run commands/queries asynchronously. Maybe it's because (as far as I know) only SqlClient actually implements this properly. Anyway you can use async database calls with FsSql:

async { 
    use! reader = Sql.asyncExecReader connMgr "select * from user" [] 
    let r = reader |> List.ofDataReader 
    return r.Length 

Keep in mind that async database calls do not imply better overall scalability by themselves. As usual, make sure by measuring for your specific scenario.

In the second part of this post we'll see transactions and mapping.